Classic cars come in different designs, and a convertible one is among the most loved.

1924 Vintage Convertible Wedding Car

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14 Passengers

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White Wedding Limo

Bride Wedding Dress

up to Ballgown Fairy Tale Wedding Dress

This 1924 Vintage Convertible brings just that together with a monumental design that will impress any classic car lover. Assembled by La Salle / Cadillac, and imported all the way from a private South African Collection, the magnificently designed car is among the best that you can find in its class.

Its levels of sophistication are enhanced with the contra opening doors, which are a rare thing even in this age.

Price Guide

1924 Vintage Convertible 01
1924 Vintage Convertible

1924 Vintage Convertible Wedding Car Hire

Given its large size both from the outside and in the interior, the 1924 Vintage Convertible is ideal for large dresses. It has a leather interior, so a high level of comfort is something that comes as a standard.